Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Breathe in, breathe out, repeat...

Crosby is in Winona, in the ER, as I type...I'm not.  I'm sure he's fine, I'm not.  I'm a bit freaked out.  All started last Friday night.  We arrived at my parent's house in Winona and voila, bloody nose.  In my mind, I'm saying f*&k, this won't be good.  We got it to stop.  Saturday afternoon, while camping at Prairie Island, another one, Sat night, another one...pretty bad one.  In a normal situation, I would have taken him in...Saturday night into the storm that hit Sunday morning was not normal. 

As I left Winona Sunday morning, after drying out and getting the girl's stuff dried out to go to Girl Scout camp, I left a screaming Crosby wanting to come with me.  Minutes later I get a text from Brenden, Crosby is bleeding agan.  Damn.  They got it to stop and all was well.

And today arrives.  Crosby got another bloody nose this am.  That's it, time to call his clinic.  They made all the arrangements with the Winona ER to take him in.  They are going to run a CBC count on him.  Hopefully his counts are high enough, he won't need a red cell transfusion...my gut tells me he'll need one.  So, here I type, wait, wondering what will happen.  I know he's in good hands, but I feel so helpless.  We shall see what happens.

In other news, Brenden is loving hockey camp and my girls are at Girl Scout camp.  I've seen some pictures of camp on FB, looks like they're having a blast.

My house is eeriely quiet...my cats seem confused, lol. 

My dad just called, Crosby's infusion went just fine.  Just need to wait for test results...

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