Crosby went in for genetic testing today. My whole idea of hemophilia in our family got shot down in here we are. I had thought that my mom's mother's sister's daughter's daughter's son son had hemophilia (got that, lol! Crosby is the same way down our line from them). There was the hemophilia link...we got the luck of the gene pool and the rest of my mother's large immediate family got lucky...
He has Von Willebrandt's Disease, which is another bleeding disorder. So now we don't know. Am I really a carrier? I sure have symptoms of a carrier, but we don't know. Was this just a genetic mutation? How did Crosby get hemophilia?? Are my girl's carriers?? AAAHHH!
So, I got tested by Crosby's clinic for Von Willebrandts...negative. Whew, but still then no answers. So we got referred to a geneticist at a local hospital, the office is right across the hallway from Labor and Delivery where my girls were born. They drew some of Crosby's blood and he gets tested first. Depending on those results, is where we go from there. Now for the two to three week wait...
I just want answers...waiting for the answers that will explain so much.